Similar weapons are found mounted on the game's enemy warships and vehicles.
This had an immediate effect on the enemy warships, and the Japanese ships started taking heavy damage.
An enemy warship chased us away from here, before we could complete the evacuation, however.
The image on the large screen immediately changed to one showing the three enemy warships once again closing in behind them.
Her first contact came on 25 May and proved to be an enemy warship.
The thought that enemy warships might be in the area didn't even occur to them.
The surviving enemy warship was almost within range of his forward guns, and soon he would give the order to fire.
U-15 went down with all hands, the first U-boat loss to an enemy warship.
As their detection systems come on line, they detect two enemy warships.
It was the best intelligence they'd received so far on the enemy warship.