With a hostile faction's vehicle, the player can infiltrate enemy outposts.
Magical allies who have created this thick fog will guide us over the mountain pass and help us to take the enemy outposts by surprise.
By 05:00, they had driven in enemy outposts and reached high ground overlooking Bir el Abd.
As a result of this reconnaissance I believed that we were opposed merely by a strong enemy outpost.
A wire-cutting party was to be placed opposite each enemy outpost.
To lead a force down a beach to assault an enemy outpost.
The battle begins on Ganymede but shifts to battles in space, on the Earth, and inside enemy outposts.
But there was nothing else, though they quartered that growing section with the care of men trying to locate an enemy outpost.
But what satisfaction there is in undermining the enemy outposts and pouring through the gaps to victory.
He scouted ahead, picking the best routes, alert for enemy outposts or patrols.