And though he had fought off the latest enemy offensive, it had cost him dearly.
During the recent enemy offensive, this Officer carried out 48 special missions.
If he does, he will not be able to stop the real enemy offensive in the east.
In the early summer of 1944 the regiment was in a fixed position, expecting every moment to be the impending enemy offensive.
The year was not three hours old when the enemy offensive began.
Moreover, French villages and forts were not necessarily safe from enemy offensives.
He said the critical task was to halt the enemy offensive.
Since then, until the fourth enemy offensives Glavatičevo was ruled by četniks.
Now with 300 men at his command, Castro avoided open confrontation, using land mines and ambushes to halt the enemy offensive.
We're too close to dry on ammunition, and we're facing a major enemy offensive at this moment.