She supported him against every symptom of weakness or despondency generated by the harm his enemies had inflicted against him or against his followers.
The enemy pinned down and inflicted heavy casualties on the lead platoon.
Most propaganda wars require the home population to feel the enemy has inflicted an injustice, which may be fictitious or may be based on facts.
"It's time now to invest in an Operation Domestic Storm, because no foreign enemy could inflict greater casualties than drug abuse, health care fraud and failing schools," he said.
The enemy inflicted heavy losses, before capitulating on 5 December.
Although anthrax is said to be difficult to produce and spread in large doses, an enemy that managed to do so could inflict considerable damage.
Why should an enemy inflict pleasure on you?
We must heal the wounds our enemies have inflicted on our coalition.
What does not follow is to let the enemy inflict more damage before exposing, or eliminating him.
I will even allow you to take these sacks filled with gold; they may recompense you for the losses which my brother's enemies have recently inflicted on you.