On the top was a pole wrapped in straw which could be ignited by the cossack sentry in case of enemy incursion.
He was posted at Wah from the year 1581 to 1586 to stop enemy incursions.
The bleak landscape beyond Rustenberg's outermost structures - terrain I must hold against enemy incursions - gives me new cause for anxiousness.
Everything below ten was a red zone-at risk of enemy incursion.
Probably treat it as an enemy incursion, he thought as he tramped along behind Vance.
A mechanical failure had kept it grounded, and then once the attack came, all docking bays and hangars were closed to prevent enemy incursion.
Two helicopters are provided and prolonged enemy incursions must be minimized.
In fact, we have no knowledge whatsoever of what has transpired in the Arm since the initial enemy incursion, do we?
"And to provide routes around warp nexi that may be cut off in the future by new enemy incursions," added Tolkaru pessimistically.
In the distance there was the glow of the city, which seemed quite unaware of the enemy incursion.