He broke the columns and rode forward with his aide to check the enemy fortifications.
In addition to eliminating the enemy fortification they also captured weapons and destroyed equipment so it could no longer be used by the enemy.
The artillery can be used to destroy enemy fortification and also in anti tank role.
Before any important battle you'll find the Demolition Team on site, tunneling beneath enemy fortifications.
To demolish enemy fortifications, heavy guns had also been developed.
It was designed to destroy armoured targets, enemy fortifications and shelters.
In addition to the pontonniers, there were companies of sappers, to deal with enemy fortifications.
He used these to bombard the enemy fortifications to start each day's attack.
There was little need for flamethrowers later in the war since Japan was on the defensive and had few opportunities to attack enemy fortifications.
He was staring out over the enemy fortifications.