Han asked for three hundred cavalrymen and, one night, made a surprise attack on the enemy encampment.
He was taking the offensive, carrying the fire into the enemy encampment, with a vengeance.
Riding north with Fish in search of enemy encampments had proven a boon.
He knew that the large enemy encampment was just over the low ridge on the other side of the vale.
Suddenly, we reached the edge of an enemy encampment.
We walked our horses the entire length of the enemy encampment.
For several long minutes, no one said anything as they stared down at the enemy encampment.
The good news was that he possessed a rough idea of where the enemy encampment was supposed to be.
Just a simple probe inside the enemy encampment, right.
His staff officers waited a few yards to the rear as the young man stared towards the enemy encampment.