When enemy counterattacks threatened, Kesselring threw the full weight of his force against them.
Without having dug in it would have suffered heavy losses from hostile fire and from the enemy counterattacks.
Also, as in the case of the more traditional mass attack, reserve troops following the assault units had to consolidate any gains against an enemy counterattack.
The platoon captured its objective but faced an enemy counterattack.
Finally during an enemy counterattack he took charge of an isolated post and successfully held it until ordered to withdraw and his ammunition was exhausted.
The enemy counterattack intensified and a grenade landed in the midst of Champagne's team.
On 7 July, near Starokonstantinov, Hube's 16th halted an enemy counterattack.
On May 31, 1951, his platoon was the object of a numerically superior enemy counterattack.
Hatches were run back from missile silos as ground armored and artillery units deployed to defensive positions against enemy counterattack.
(c) Your difficulties will arise in holding off an enemy counterattack on the brs, until you are relieved.