The 107 crew members were rescued by the Ajax and interned as enemy civilians.
"Israel's response has been relatively restrained, although it could be argued that in some cases some soldiers didn't act to protect enemy civilians"
When necessary, we'd done it over in Europe, of course, but those had been enemy civilians in wartime.
It meant maintaining a reputation for courage and loyalty, not being charitable to enemy civilians.
It undermines the confidence of enemy civilians in their leaders.
The desire to kill enemy civilians when one's own civilians are killed is as old as human conflict.
The letter reasserted the church's condemnation of direct attacks on enemy civilians and therefore any nuclear strategy that simply targeted Soviet cities.
For the first time they would be on front lines inside enemy territory, living with enemy civilians.
Even so, he expected to remain safe, as the Geneva Convention protected enemy civilians.
According to the Koran, we must treat the enemy civilians and the innocents with kindness.