And the enduring pleasures of the broad strip of public beach in Santa Monica remain undiminished.
Dax smiled to herself, acknowledging her enduring pleasure in the transformation, and turned her attention to the science console.
All this, and you lose the musical's one enduring pleasure: the chance to watch a single actress pull off both characters at once.
A material good provides the buyer with a more enduring pleasure compared with an experiential, as these two purchases also result in different types of regret.
The unanswered questions of Donnelly's poems come and go like mirages, but the aftertaste of puzzlement they leave is an enduring pleasure.
Like western Mark Twain and Stephen Leacock, he has given enduring pleasure to his readers.
Those were the kind of sentences which used to fill me with a vague but enduring pleasure, like chords which linger in the musician's ear.
Each, at about the age of thirty, had given up the world of people for an inner world of more precise and more enduring pleasures.
The impact has, on occasion, been startling, stimulating and a source of enduring pleasure.
This display of willowy branches, colorful vegetation and snow-topped trees provides an enduring pleasure and serenity.