America made an early and enduring impression on Mr. Wehmeier.
My most enduring impression of working there was how brilliant the Dutch were at commercial horticulture.
A poem too brief may produce a vivid, but never an intense or enduring impression.
By an irony, Disraeli and Kingsley, who have less intimate sympathy with the poor, tend to create more enduring impressions.
Wundt left an enduring impression on his Romanian student.
The composer spun out many more fascinating thoughts during the festival, but the enduring impression was of the force and personality of his music.
Through thick and thin, the most enduring impression of watching Carner play golf is that she is having fun.
But the most enduring impression from a three-day visit to Chechnya was of massive firepower.
American interventions have left an enduring impression in Nicaragua.
She employed a young Betty Parsons at this gallery, who acknowledged that Ms. Sullivan's business sense and taste made an enduring impression on her.