He did his usual practice stint, during which I endured more jokes from the other caddies and from some of the players about my sudden fame.
I'm sure Mr. Weiner has endured unfair jokes about his surname for most of his life, but this time he kinda deserves it.
All the way up from Custer Julia had endured masculine jokes about her foolishness in coming to this godforsaken part of the country.
Since then he has endured innumerable jokes about trying to be a big cheese in New York politics.
He'd endured jokes about it for months.
We endured jokes about moose and Nafta.
After the first Stanley Cup victory in 1995, the Devils endured unrelenting jokes about their parking lot cavalcade, which drew 20,000 people.
(In the past, CBS has had to endure jokes about its viewers being less a hip audience than a hip-replacement audience.)
Because of his youthful looks, he endures jokes about "infants" being sent into combat.
Each of the Kennedys who has entered public life has had to endure jokes and jibes.