The bipartisan endorsement meant that some contentious questions, like approaches to reducing the Federal budget deficit, are left unanswered.
"That endorsement means so much to a community of people," she says, "even if in the big picture that's a really small community."
This year, too, he said, endorsements have meant "nothing."
The endorsement might mean a lot more later, when he can say he's considered everybody.
According to the dictionary, endorsement means "approval, sanction or support."
No one can say how much Mr. Koch's endorsement would mean.
"Some endorsements don't mean much, if it's just a name."
These endorsements often meant more than official party affiliations, and Sąjūdis-backed candidates won 91 out of 135 seats.
Her endorsement meant a great deal to the LaFollettes.
Still, he said he doubted in today's multimedia environment, where voters get information about candidates from a variety of sources, that political endorsements meant much.