Many K'k'tict would go along with any plan he endorsed without question.
The proposal endorsed today calls for direct negotiations between the South African Government and the nationalist movement, without the involvement of other countries.
In interviews, more than a dozen station news directors endorsed this view without hesitation.
She disliked fairy tales because they endorsed an irrational view of the world and success without work.
His options range from endorsing Mr. Dole without reservation to forming a third party.
Dorian understood at once that this was perhaps their best chance, and he endorsed it without hesitation.
It is not enough for governments to endorse the principle of non-violence without any appropriate action to support and promote it.
I shall thus reluctantly endorse the Commission proposal without any further amendments.
This means for me that we should endorse the Commission's proposal without any amendments, for the alternatives are inferior.
Consequently, I cannot but endorse all action leading to adoption at the earliest possible opportunity without detriment to the content.