Justice and interior ministers from the 15 European Union members endorsed sweeping changes in the Continent's legal system.
The resolution endorsed sweeping political changes drafted at seven weeks of talks between the Government and the opposition, led by the Solidarity trade union.
The Central Committee also endorsed changes in the top party leadership, the inner circle of power, including the introduction of one new member.
In addition, the committee endorses changes in the top party leadership, the inner circle of power.
Republicans and Democrats both endorsed changes, albeit with significant differences.
"However, we do not endorse changes that make an A.P. story unbalanced, unfair or inaccurate."
But finance ministers did not endorse specific changes to the way the fund imposes capitalist economic and financial conditions on nations that borrow its money.
The plenum endorsed major changes in the political, economic, and social system.
The school boards and the teachers' union have endorsed such changes, which should boost the bill's chances in the Legislature.
His remarks signaled that he was not willing to endorse proposed changes that had been under negotiation within the Administration for months.