While Peter J. McGuire was a socialist, the union itself was non-political, refusing to endorse any political party or philosophy.
Ayatollah Sistani, without formally endorsing any political party, has issued an Islamic edict calling on all eligible Iraqi Shiites to vote.
Tesco is not publicly endorsing any political party, but reading between the lines there is little doubt where the sympathies of Sir Ian and his top team lie.
Mr. Putin has not endorsed any party.
ACT did not specifically endorse any political party, but worked almost exclusively on behalf of Democratic candidates.
New Society was usually perceived as centre-left, but it was fiercely non-partisan and never endorsed any political party.
OK Soda does not subscribe to any religion, or endorse any political party, or do anything other than feel OK.
He went on to say that he wasn't endorsing any particular party.
He did not publicly endorse any particular political party, although he frequently did speak out against what he saw as the 'godless values' of leading politicians.
As executive director of the foundation, a nonpartisan group, Mr. Garcia's role was to promote policies affecting Cuban affairs without endorsing any political party.