The term can also be used to classify endogenous compounds which when abnormally concentrated can prove neurologically toxic.
It is often only when these endogenous compounds become highly concentrated that they lead to dangerous effects.
This activity detoxifies endogenous compounds such as peroxidised lipids and enables the breakdown of xenobiotics.
However, some endogenous compounds, e.g., bilirubin, can inhibit the activity of GSTs.
There are a number of the endogenous compounds that have been reported to be affected by ofloxacin as inhibitors, alteraters and depletors.
Endozepines are endogenous compounds with benzodiazepine like effects.
Today's area of application has expanded to monitoring free concentrations of endogenous as well as exogenous compounds in virtually any tissue.
These last two are endogenous oxidizing compounds produced during tissue inflammation.
CYP2C9 is an important cytochrome P450 enzyme with a major role in the oxidation of both xenobiotic and endogenous compounds.
Most of phase 2 reactions take place in cytosol and involve conjugation with endogenous compounds via transferase enzymes.