Your wise words are endlessly quoted and your deeds recounted.
He has been drunk, stoned and sober, endlessly quoted and misquoted.
It begins in a bar, ends with a prayer and, after Sept. 11, was endlessly quoted and reprinted to express grief over what had happened and foreboding about what was to come.
I once wrote something that has been endlessly quoted and is still true: 'You can make a killing in the theater but not a living.'
She could have quoted endlessly from the great poet Li Qing-jao, for whom her one-time mistress had been named.
With us, while a leader is in power he is quoted endlessly.
The endlessly quoted soundbite that "around half of them fail" means, of course, that around half actually succeed.
Their representatives endlessly quoted articles of the Spanish constitution in support of their position that Mexico City, the provincial authorities, and any other level of government must find funds elsewhere.
In recent seasons the Fosse style has been endlessly quoted and imitated in new musicals.