The attack patterns had been analyzed endlessly.
The people in the military endlessly analyze and train for the last war because no one knows what the next one will be like.
Brother and sister don't act like grown siblings - they don't endlessly analyze their parents, for instance.
"Little things" are noticed and endlessly analyzed for meaning.
Aches will be analyzed endlessly.
Some of us lash out, which just compounds the problem, while others (like me) say nothing but endlessly analyze.
As a result, every word I say, and even the smallest of actions, are analyzed endlessly by all concerned to see if they contain crumbs of valuable information.
We are not only obsessed with our budget process, endlessly analyzing and arguing over it; we are also engaged in systematic self-flagellation over our failure to master it.
It was endlessly analyzing itself, and I think all that psychological influence makes you feel that there is some great saga about your family.
Jason Robards and JoBeth Williams star in this grim television film, endlessly analyzed at the time, about the aftermath of thermonuclear war in Kansas.