Then there was the deadly windless heat of the forest, the endless twilight, the hunger, the thirst, and the insects.
Heading into the Forest, the humans and the toys left the day behind, and became a part of the endless twilight.
Ahvaz was a late-night city, and many shops and restaurants stayed open until after midnight, probably because of the endless twilight caused by the flaming oil beacons.
Avalon looked as it had for countless centuries, dreaming in an endless, peace-filled blue twilight, as nightingales sang and crickets chirruped.
So through endless twilights I dreamed and waited, though I knew not what I waited for.
Ahvaz is a late city, probably because of the endless twilight afforded by the flaming oil beacons, and many shops and restaurants stay open until after midnight.
He turned from her before she could speak, and he went away west into an endless purpling twilight.
He stared about him into the endless twilight, straining his eyes against the denseness of the jungle and the never ending rain, but all was still and silent.
But until that happened the endless twilight prevailed and, in that half-light, the great ears of mutated corn grew rich and full.
His watch read twenty hours, though the endless twilight still prevailed.