He was shivering, and so were the others, fevered by the endless thirst.
The endless election has spawned an endless thirst for soft money.
He must have, for here he was, allowing another man's blood to assuage his painful hunger, his endless thirst.
Lady Saljesca's household has an endless thirst for the stuff,' said the carpenter.
The AIs have an endless thirst for knowledge.
I must have it, all of it, to slake this endless thirst!
Imam Nawawi had endless thirst for knowledge, and it can be guessed from his daily practice of studies.
Is Giancarlo but the latest victim in your endless thirst for conquest?
Childhood is a poignant exploration of one man's attempt to find balance between his endless thirst for knowledge and the strangely persistent power of love.
But Turning Stone is proving that when it comes to slaking the public's seemingly endless thirst for high-stakes gambling, location and image aren't everything.