Swinnerton's early paintings were highly realist, detailed depictions of an endless landscape.
Like Captain Beefheart before them, they use the mythical desert as an endless landscape to let their music get lost in.
Such an understanding will instead seek to direct attention to the endless landscape from which the sand is taken.
She twisted back around in her seat and looked through the windshield at the endless, rural landscape.
We were back on the road again, speeding along the worn asphalt as the afternoon sun created startling contrasts in the endless rural landscape.
(Southern California has an endless landscape of strip malls.)
There were no signs to read, no trails to follow, only an endless landscape of rock and fire and vog.
You're quite literally in the middle of nowhere, standing on a ridge and just facing an endless landscape of canyons.
An endless landscape of craters and boulders.
He continued, fighting the conviction that he moved in a dream, through an endless mental landscape, his legs carrying him back rather than forward.