They were psychoanalysts in an endless labyrinth of abnormality, their patients the products of that disorder.
It now houses a museum, and a visit is advisable, if only to get lost in the seemingly endless labyrinth of its rooms and passageways.
The forest was an endless labyrinth of glass caves, sealed off from the remainder of the world and lit by subterranean lamps.
It can have an endless labyrinth of crevasses and treacherous snow crusts that give way under a man's weight.
At one time it was a seemingly endless labyrinth I could wander around forever.
But she quickly righted herself as she leapt into another section of the seemingly endless labyrinths that filled the creature-ship.
The warlock's name echoed hauntingly through the endless labyrinth of caverns.
We rattled through an endless labyrinth of gas-lit streets until we emerged into Farrington Street.
Our ship's draft is shallow, which may be why we can weave a northward course through a seemingly endless labyrinth of islands.
Mark developed a new worry, that they were somehow lost in a cave, trapped in some endless labyrinth or circle.