To keep the image of an endless highway in the motorcycle levels from being boring, roadside details such as cacti and telephone poles were added to the scenery.
An endless highway, with plots of land on either side.
No horizon but a vanishing point, the wall looking like an endless highway turned on its side.
Growing tired of driving on the endless highway, Frank says they must now try to escape through the woods as it is clearly the only way.
Heading down the endless American highway, giggling, singing and horsing around, the journey becomes a joyful celebration of teenage freedom.
Hearts in Cyberspace Red roses, endless highways and shining stars have often been used as metaphors for love and relationships in popular music.
If Brady's career is an endless highway before him, all that Patriots fans want to do is watch and ride.
Cairo is solving its traffic problem not by building endless highways, but by constructing an attractive alternative to the automobile.
The film is a road movie with a succession of images of the passing landscape and seemingly endless highway, narrated by the protagonist.
In rock music it was Chuck Berry, the cars, the guitars, the girls, the sense of endless highway and endless night and sexual power.