Stored in its memory are hundreds of digitally accurate samples of instruments, which can be called up in endless combinations.
His mouth left hers to trail down feathered kisses along her neck and more as she gasped in an endless combination of agony and bliss.
Nature is an endless combination and repetition of a very few laws.
This was a refinement of Pythagoras' equation, and she could see the endless combinations.
One can compose or arrange endless combinations of digital samples and loops matched to one's own liking.
Together the basic elements and their variants form a decorative vocabulary that can be assembled and rearranged in endless combinations.
They provide unique solutions to their customers, based on a wide variety of substrates and an endless combination of release agents with specialized properties.
Some of my domains receive dictionary spam, where endless combinations of potential accounts names are emailed.
For his first six-figure win, Beyer invested $4,578 in seemingly endless combinations.
There are endless combinations of crisp layer and filling.