Plentiful subfossil bones indicate that it was indeed a good endemic form.
Ulmus parvifolia f. lanceolata , the Chinese elm, is a rare form endemic to South Korea.
The unusual characteristics of the maxilla, which have not been reported from elsewhere, supports the hypothesis that the dinosaurs of the Aguja Formation were endemic forms.
It seems to have emerged in its endemic form in India 2500-3000 years ago.
Dinosaurs such as theropods dwelt on the peninsula and probably evolved into numerous endemic forms (Stilwell et al. 2006).
In 1885 he first described the endemic form of bacterial infection pyomyositis in the tropics.
The island has two reptiles, including an endemic form of the interesting and attractive Side-Blotched Lizard (Uta stansburiana).
However, volcanism and climatic change 20 million years ago caused the extinction of many endemic Indian forms.
It comprises a set of north African endemic forms and subspecies that were described at the beginning of the 20th century, on the basis of shell characteristics.
There are around 400 plant species, including several rare and endemic forms.