Despite the anti-Islamists' claims of endemic conflict, their particular cause is a new and superficial characteristic of American political culture.
He maneuvered in order to maintain stability in the Milanese state during the endemic conflicts between Guelphs, Ghibellines and the various wars and interstate alliances.
It has even been suggested that the tribal conflicts endemic to our own species in prehistoric times may have continued on the Third Planet after the coming of technology.
It is an organic and endemic conflict involving three and a half million Israeli Jews and two million Palestinian Arabs.
All three nations resulting from the partition of India have had to deal with endemic civil conflicts.
The endemic social conflict between hill-folk and plainsfolk seen in much of Italy and the Pyrenean region in the later Middle Ages was already developing.
Such controversies typify inter- and intra-ethnic conflict endemic to post-colonial Nigeria.
The people of the region are extremely poor and suffer from endemic local conflicts as well as food insecurity.
This is a prerequisite not only for personal happiness but also for the ending of violent conflict endemic on our planet".
Large securities firms have been tightly restricted in their ability to operate specialist firms, for fear of endemic conflicts of interest.