This series became incredibly popular, and ended with 1,049 episodes on March 25, 2005.
The show ended with 13 episodes in one season.
The program ended with 35 episodes on December 21, 2012.
The anime series ended its run on March 27, 2007 with 25 episodes.
However, the staff was able to negotiate a one month extension to end the series with 43 episodes.
The first season ended with ten episodes on July 29, 2012.
The show lasted three seasons, ending in 1994 with 39 episodes.
As a result, the drama serial could not air for long and ended on February 15, 2008 with 679 episodes.
It ended its run on September 19, 2011 with 97 episodes.
The series ran from November 8, 2008 and is set to end in 2011 with 5 episodes left to air.