The free end whipped around and brushed a couple of Jerry's robot legs, snapping them off like matchsticks.
I was convinced that one of them would snap, and its ends whip into my eyeball at supersonic speed.
The loose ends whipped free in the winds, shriveling.
Despite its stiffness and stickiness, the loaded end whipped around her several times in a perfect throw.
The free end whipped upward like an angry snake.
Zouga yelled, as the end of the belt whipped into the clattering breech.
The heavy end of the staff whipped over and crashed down just above the bridge of the man's nose.
I've got the political end pretty well whipped.
The ends of my cloak whipped about as though alive and trying to make good an escape from my shoulders.
The hooked end arced down, caught short on the rope, and whipped rapidly toward Bulmammon's head.