Many states have passed legislation governing the provisions people may make for ending medical treatment when they are terminally ill.
"Doctors now seem to understand that when a situation is futile, a family or a patient has the right to end aggressive treatment," the daughter said.
In both studies the patients were retested within a week of ending treatment, however, so that in some cases infection may have persisted.
What happens when family members, charged with the responsibility for ending treatment, disagree with each other?
This reflects continued fallout from last year's stock market collapse and the 1986 Federal tax reform, which ended preferential treatment of capital gains.
All earnings from foreign sources would be taxed for the first time, ending special treatment for recent immigrants and international business consultants.
Although many families fight bitterly over whether to end treatment, in this case the couple's two grown sons agreed with their father.
Iru men could petition the king to end unfair treatment by a Hima patron.
I didn't end treatment with people who were in the middle.
Wait at least 2 days after ending treatment with this medication before receiving flu vaccine given in the nose.