He left the field before the end of the second quarter to have his hand looked at and did not return.
When a point is scored, the round ends and each team must return to their own territory for the beginning of the new round.
After the end of the season returned to Levski.
At the end of his life returned back to the Orthodoxy.
Kelly's mother and sister both found work in the casinos, but the end of each day returned them to the harsh reality of the ghetto.
He could only hope that that particular loose end wouldn't return to haunt any of them.
Lincoln, and the end of the war, Lloyd returned to the north.
Midnight signaled the end of his rule and the world would return to normal.
The end of episode teasers returned and are now made in-house by the Neighbours production team.
The novel ends as they are returning to London to undertake, together, a critical engagement with the world.