The official said issues to be worked out included reducing farm subsidies and ending quotas on textiles.
AFTER years of lowering tariffs, ending quotas and removing restrictions on investment, many poorer countries are still struggling.
In the end, the United States agreed to end quotas after five years, but with special anti-surge safeguards for another four years after that.
She was the first woman dean at Harvard Medical School (1972-1975) and led the fight to end quotas and open medical schools to women.
The party is pro-life, opposes all gun control, seeks to end affirmative action, racial quotas, and illegal and unlimited immigration.
And the European Community's plan for a barrier-free market could end quotas on Japanese cars, spelling more trouble for European auto makers.
In addition, in removing international trade barriers, the European Community plans to end national quotas on Japanese cars.
We need to move towards world market prices by progressively reducing direct payments, we need to end quotas and make sure that the annual budget actually starts to reduce.
It ended national quotas into law, and provided an unlimited number of visas for family reunification.