The end of the cold war has produced an alarming nuclear irony.
Still, the end of the era of low rates could produce some harmful fallout.
The ends of the dark segments produce the illusion of circles.
The end of his bat produced a soft fly to left and the end of the game.
The end of the war, perhaps even the political upheaval of 1945, might have produced a lightening of spirit and a new interest.
The end of the cold war did not produce a global peace; in some ways it made the dangers, like Bosnia, more subtle and difficult to track.
The war's end did not produce anything new in terms of traffic or volume.
The end of the cold war did not produce the giant condominium that many feared.
However, for a majority of the children, the end of the war produced even more sorrow.
The end of the Cold War produced fresh priorities in the Intelligence community.