The agreement acknowledged British authority in the Gulf and sought to end piracy and the kidnapping of slaves.
It was believed to end urban piracy by dacoits.
But the failure to end digital piracy and the continuing slump in CD sales has slowly pressured record executives to rethink their approach to Internet distribution.
The United States is not satisfied with Asian efforts to end piracy of patents and other intellectual property rights, a senior State Department official said Friday.
The latter standard was implemented on May 27, 2005, to end piracy that occurred with the first Nagravision system.
The recording industry has tried litigation, legislation, education and invective to end file-sharing piracy, all to little avail.
Written to end piracy of consumer goods, the agreement has an obscure section permitting patented products to be copied in emergencies.
Now the gov't has a say - they can't even end piracy at sea.
This ended Japanese piracy definitively.
He is best known for his actions to end piracy in the area.