But that signaled the end of the round, if not the bout.
By the end of the bout, his face was badly distorted from the swelling beneath his left eye.
Toward the end of the bout, Holly gained the upper hand with a series of dropkicks.
At the end of the bout, the judges had it a split draw.
Near the end of the bout, the lights went off in the building.
Raven ended up on the losing end of the bout.
The winner was the first to reach fifteen hits, or the one with the highest score at the end of the last bout.
If at the end of the bout, a winner has not been determined according to the criteria defined in Articles 3.1 - 3.6.
At the end of the bout, the winner is known instantly, except in the case of a tie.
There was slow fighting until the end of the bout, but Grady landed more punches in the final 5 rounds.