I think I blushed from the ends of my toes to the top of my head.
Her arms were stretched up at their full length, so that she stood upon the ends of her toes.
The heavy cleated tread of the cat was a centimeter from the ends of his toes.
Emily thrilled to the ends of her toes when she read this letter.
Mapshaker broke out in sweat and tingled suddenly from the roots of his long hair to the ends of his toes.
At the end of its toes, it has large discs.
From head to fingernails to the end of my toes, man.
"You have to have the proper shoes, of course," she explained, "and even then you get frightful abscesses sometimes on the ends of your toes."
The ends of his bare toes and fingers were black with frostbite.
At the end of its toes, it has large discs, which provide grip while climbing.