Syrona waddled, she was so near the end of her pregnancy.
Chloe, getting toward the end of her pregnancy, finally couldn't navigate the stairs.
When she was just 2, her mother died near the end of her ninth pregnancy.
As the mother's belly swells, she may be in more discomfort, especially near the end of her pregnancy.
I mean, I had two children and worked right up to the end of my pregnancy.
It must not be used if you are near the end of your pregnancy (38-42 weeks), or at the time of labor and delivery.
I worked right up to the end of my pregnancy and felt great.
Near the end of her 22-month pregnancy, veterinarians discovered that the calf was dead.
Finally, toward the end of my pregnancy, I began to relax.
By spring, Dorelei is nearing the end of her pregnancy.