The splintered end of a signpost jutted into the darkness, but the post and the sign itself, along with whatever information it might have yielded, were long gone.
The end of the steering column was still jutting into his side.
Here and there, jagged ends of broken rock jutted from the soft flesh of the ash covering.
The blunt, nippled ends of three wetware bags jutted into the room.
The rear end of the snowmobile jutted out of the snow about fifty feet farther down the steep gradient.
The northern half of the town is hilly, and the southern end of Wompatuck State Park juts into the town.
The end of a red canoe jutted from one of the stables.
Twenty feet away, the other end jutted from the cliff face.
The ends of rafters jutted beyond the eaves, carved into dragon heads.
The front end of a '58 Chevy jutted onto the dance floor, a moth-eaten moose head mounted in place of the hood ornament.