Intervening in a specific case not only contributes to ending injustice for the involved parties, but can also serve - by changing the law - greater public interest.
Through the arts Slaughter was portrayed as a hero to not simply just end injustice but more importantly to be an icon and symbol for the African American community.
Many black leaders agree that so many years after Dr. King's death the civil rights movement is still trying to achieve what he was seeking: a way to bring poor blacks into economic security and to end racial injustice.
Alexis returns to the palace after his coronation, intending to end injustice in Russia during his reign.
The Socialist Party declared itself to be Marxist and independent of Soviet or Chinese influence, favoring popular anti-imperialist unity, directed by the working class, which would end domestic injustice and foreign intervention.
Turkey is going to take the first step toward ending this double standard and injustice in the world.
It's above all the struggle to end economic injustice that becomes vital now.
His commitment to ending injustice, message of peace and dream of equality continue to inspire us.
Americans are not directly concerned with that faraway country, unless, that is, they are concerned with the principle of ending oppression and injustice.
But Hillary's determination to end injustice against single mothers, working women, babies in day care, foster children, adoptive parents, teachers, students, and those who go without adequate health care stems from a moral, not an intellectual, calculus.