She said states have "an obligation to end impunity for attacks against journalists."
In particular, the government had to end impunity in Darfur and bring those responsible for widespread human rights abuses to justice.
The campaign focuses on ending impunity for those who commit such violence, by pressuring governments to prosecute individuals and change laws to protect women.
The Council recalled that there would be no peace without justice and the need to end impunity.
"Although concrete action to end impunity seems to be occurring, these cases represent a pinprick," he said.
He also apologized to Haitians for the crimes of past administrations and insisted he would end criminal impunity.
"The way to end impunity is to make these people pay a price, and they have to be seen to be paying a price."
It marks an important step in our will to end impunity.
Therefore, the EU should take concrete action to end impunity for perpetrators of sexual violence against women and children.
I want a kind of due process that ends impunity for criminals.