It ended the day at 29,843.34, down 963.85 points, or 3.1 percent.
The yield on the 30-year bond ended Friday at 7.19 percent.
It ended the day at $115.125, down $12.75, or nearly 10 percent, helping to send the whole market to a sharp fall.
The three- and six-month bills both ended at 5.11 percent.
As a result, the inflation rate could end the year at 3 percent, up from 2.7 percent in 1994, he said.
The shares ended the day at $29.23, down 47 cents or 1.58 percent.
The consensus forecast is little or no change in the yield, which ended last year at 7.39 percent.
The recession officially ended in March 1991, with the unemployment rate at 6.8 percent.
The Dow ended the day at 3,224.96, down 47.18 points, or nearly 1.5 percent.
The Mexican stock market ended the day at 2,269.87, down 8.26 points, or 0.36 percent.