In 1985, Ho ended his career after his wife's death.
The story begin when Ceferino is only a child and ends after his death.
The show ran for four series but ended after Horne's untimely death.
This would end after this count's death in 1781 due to poor management.
Construction began in 1561 and ended in 1565, after the artist's death.
The initiative has not ceased to exist, but its activity ended after his death in 2004.
The duration of economic rights ends 70 years after the author's death.
Her marriage to Sterling, though at times rocky, lasted some 25 years and only ended after his death in 1939.
Without a child available as a successor, the Mule's empire ends soon after his death.
In 1998, her 22-year marriage to John Derek ended after his sudden death.