Chrysler will end a joint venture with Maserati that produced the two-seater Chrysler TC.
But it made its offer on the condition that P & O Princess end a joint venture with Royal Caribbean in southern Europe.
Goldman Sachs ended a joint venture with an Indian financial company and announced that it would establish its own investment banking and securities firm in India.
He became managing editor when The Times assumed full ownership in 2003 after ending a joint venture with The Washington Post Company.
Corning will buy Northern Telecom's fiber optic assets and end a joint venture in consumer glass with a Mexican company.
Chrysler has ended a joint venture with Renault, but still needs a foreign ally to share development expenses and reduce its dependence on North American markets.
Our fleet is in full command of your skies and you ask us-' "To help end a pirate venture," Jonnie finished for him.
And the Time Warner cable systems are burdened by unresolved negotiations to end a joint venture with AT&T.
Companies I.B.M. and Merrill Lynch ended a once-promising venture in computerizing the financial services industry.
Ending a joint venture is always easiest if you have addressed the key issues in advance.