What do you consider to be the encouraging trends in education these days?
The only encouraging trend is that crime is no longer spiraling out of control.
This encouraging trend arose from a tremendous idealism about education in the 1960s and early 1970s.
Despite some encouraging economic trends there is as yet no confirmed upturn in activity, and any recovery will be fragile.
Perhaps because of the inclusion of safety features crime statistics from 2003, three years after the project was completed, show an encouraging trend.
Mr. Cavazos did note several encouraging trends, among them that test scores for minority students continued to improve.
(I say this as an observation about an encouraging social trend, not a criticism, by any means.)
With the season past the first-quarter mark, I see some encouraging trends.
These are all expensive restaurants, but an extremely encouraging trend also emerged in inexpensive eating places.
Mr. Stoltenberg also said he saw "several encouraging trends" for continued international economic cooperation.