Neelix stood by, thinking the most encouraging thoughts he could, hoping it would help.
It was an encouraging thought, but I didn't put too much stock in it.
It is an encouraging thought that America should have produced perhaps the most tolerant man of our generation.
And they have viewed education as a one-way street in which information is passed onto students, rather than encouraging critical, independent thought and analysis.
Don't forget that encouraging critical thought also encourages incisive criticism of the government and its misguided policies.
Ceara was empathing him very strong positive joyful encouraging thoughts.
Deerie was now fully committed to the encounter, and hardly needed Agape's encouraging thoughts.
In which case you were also meant to have it, and that may be an encouraging thought, or it may not.
Not an encouraging thought, but-in its own way-a comforting one.
That was an encouraging thought, but it was only a guess.