As to those "encouraging statistics," still with us are drug-related crime, violence and turf wars in the inner cities, and overwhelmed and underfunded treatment centers.
The progress of research and study into childhood cancers, particularly leukaemia, has been remarkable, with some extremely encouraging statistics.
The most encouraging statistics for the Japanese come from nations that do not impose individual limits on Japanese imports, in most cases because they have no significant domestic auto industries.
In Paris, shares were weaker despite the publication of encouraging French statistics, as dealers said the instability of interest rates was making investors nervous.
A hidden benefit of New York City's decreasing crime rate is emerging now in the Police Department's growing ability to solve homicides, at a time when officials are celebrating yet another announcement of encouraging statistics.
Also figuring into their estimates are the recent encouraging economic statistics, like stronger housing starts, rising consumer confidence and slightly lower unemployment and consumer debt loads.
While Mr. Hunter's view remains in the minority, there were relatively few encouraging statistics in today's report.
But turning these encouraging statistics into profitable developments is risky.
Despite the succession of encouraging statistics on the economy, most analysts expect at least some slackening in late winter and spring.
The President has noted a few encouraging statistics.