He brought this number below 110 by demoting some officials and encouraging others to leave.
Since then, Young has taken steps to get his diabetes in control and is encouraging others to do so.
Although generally well received, there were some individuals who would confront him and accused him of "encouraging" others to take up escort work.
In 1976 he appeared on a Texas television program stating that the income tax was illegal and encouraging others not to pay their income taxes.
Ani and others from the company have spoken on several occasions about their business model in hopes of encouraging others.
It is also seen as a way of encouraging others to achieve the same high environmental standards, creating a benchmark of excellence in recreational green areas.
Behaviors may include encouraging others to harass the victim and trying to affect a victim's online participation.
But I can't understand encouraging others to be selfish, which is the entire purpose of organizations like Zero Population Growth.
He had to learn the art of encouraging others to meet his standards.
Like a war worn veteran he was seen firing his rifle and encouraging others to the onset.