In fact, such aid has as little chance of encouraging democracy in Nicaragua as the President's economic policies did of balancing the Federal budget.
Mrs. Oakley said the United States had "exerted strenuous efforts and devoted considerable resources" to encouraging democracy there.
The case also illustrates the government's struggle to reconcile its short-term energy interests with its longer-term political goal of encouraging democracy in countries the international community has deemed corrupt.
Military operations aimed at crushing Iraqi resistance were poorly coördinated with civic efforts aimed at encouraging democracy and reconstruction.
And in a sense in the name of supposedly encouraging democracy abroad, they were prepared to subvert it at home.
The goal of encouraging democracy in Poland and Hungary without putting strains on the Warsaw Pact.
But he has committed his Administration to increasing economic ties with China in hopes of encouraging democracy and political freedom there.
A third lesson of Korea is that we are best off encouraging democracy - even the right to burn American flags.
If Israel is sincere in encouraging Palestinian democracy and seeking a credible peace partner, it should welcome elections as a way to get both.
He also expects the United Nations to take a wider role in encouraging democracy by helping to organize and monitor elections in developing nations.