Ideally, low-cost power from the big dams would be sold to the highest bidder, thereby encouraging conservation and creating additional revenue to meet state needs.
Both parties have commissioned polls that show that Americans (particularly prized independent voters) place a far greater priority on encouraging conservation than on producing more oil and gas.
In Guyana, which has encouraged timber cutting as a way to stimulate its struggling economy, the idea of encouraging conservation without sacrificing badly needed cash and jobs is appealing.
Aside from promoting the rights of fellow cartoonists, Lat developed an interest in encouraging conservation of the natural environment.
No comprehensive energy policy should overlook long-term means of encouraging conservation and minimizing our dependence on oil from the Persian Gulf region.
"We really want to see people active in helping our public lands and in encouraging conservation on private lands."
Meanwhile, money was subtracted from activities of proven value, like the wetlands reserve program, as well as other initiatives aimed at encouraging conservation, protecting wildlife habitats and rewarding sustainable farming.
Though it was put forward as a means of encouraging conservation, it became notorious with motorists, and Mr. Brown ended the escalator in March.
This administration's idea of encouraging conservation is an ad campaign centered on a cartoon pig.
The panel recommended diversifying water supplies, improving insulation in buildings and encouraging conservation of as many animal species as possible as "a natural protection against surprises and shocks, climatic and otherwise."