The combination of Korean and German monks, living together in monastic community, encouraged local vocations, which could have been stunted by a culturally homogeneous monastic community.
Ochoa has encouraged vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and the strengthening of diocesan ministries.
One of the Dean's roles is to encourage and foster vocations to the Church of England priesthood.
The critics say the church fails to encourage religious vocations among Hispanic Americans and to accept rituals common to them, like devotions to the Virgin of Guadelupe.
Padre Catanoso also founded the Poor Clerics to encourage priestly vocations.
Chávez encouraged vocations, building the principal seminary in San Salvador, San José de la Montaña.
He encouraged vocations, ordaining a total of 230 priests (130 for the diocese and 100 for religious communities) during his administration.
Llorente returned to Spain only once, in 1963, on a trip designed to encourage vocations in the priesthood.
Under his guidance, the diocese has continued to pour considerable spiritual, human, and financial resources into efforts to encourage vocations.
On becoming archbishop of New York, Egan made it a priority to encourage vocations to the priesthood.